About the Author
Peter B. Giblett is a writer, editor and future thinker.

Peter created the Sticks and Stones blog as a place to write about experiences encountered while writing, this encompasses the challenges involved in writing, such as creating the time in the day, to how to act as your own muse (e.g.where you can obtain writing ideas), the thinking process and perhaps a few other articles that do not seem to have a natural home elsewhere.
He has written material at the following sites:
Wikinut: This is a general content writing site and you will be able to see Peter Giblett's recent material here.
2 Drops of ink: This site is run by Marilyn Davies and S.W. Biddulph and is dedicated to writing, publishing, poetry, grammar,and styles of prose, Peter makes a contribution one or twice a month, most recently on sentence structure.
Hubpages: Having been away from Hubpages for several years Peter has recently made a return and you can take a look at his posts here.
Bubblews: A general publication site that is perhaps having a declining influence, recent posts by Peter Giblett can be found here.
Peter also writes material for corporate websites and blogs, commission work is always appreciated and you may contact Peter by email.